Movie Mania

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Gulf News
23 May 2007

First came Harry Potter, then The Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia. Now young audiences have The Golden Compass to look forward to, a big-budget adaptation of the first of British author Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy which... read more...


Gulf News
23 May 2007

In Cannes, Michael Moore is a rock star – mobbed by fans, assailed by cameras and only barely f inds time to wolf down a plate of pasta between his latest interview and his next live TV appearance. Moore’s documentary Sicko — a ferocious attack on the... read more...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cannes turns 60
Edmonton Journal
15 May 2007

The Cannes Film Festival turns 60 this year, and the milestone means a long line of stars jostling with some lesser-known names of arthouse cinema for the attention of the media and the fans. The opening film gives a taste of both worlds, with... read more...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Coming soon — but not to a video store near you
Katie Allen Media business correspondent
The Guardian
10 May 2007

Ask any film fan and there’s a good chance they will bemoan the passing of their local DVD rental store. But more and more of those film fans are choosing online rentals or on-demand services from their TV and causing traditional video shops to fold at... read more...
Your movie reviews!

The Province
07 May 2007

Spidey 3 brings many new villains, some of which overcomplicate and confuse. Action sequences impress, but still fall short of No. 2. Despite some writing, which really lacked any spidey sense, [ Spider-Man 3] brings a much darker Maguire, who shifts... read more...